
Sculptra is a non-invasive, long lasting treatment for restoring lost volume in the skin that can occur with age. As we age, we lose collagen in our skin causing it to sag and form deep wrinkles. Sculptra treatments correct sunken cheeks, indentations and the deepest of lines and wrinkles by replacing the lost collagen, thereby adding back the lost volume, as well as reducing lines and wrinkles to give patient’s healthier, younger looking skin. Collagen is an important factor in keeping the skin smooth and youthful-looking.

Unlike some other fillers that use hyaluronic acid, Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is a biocompatible and biodegradable synthetic material. Sculptra is designed to stimulate the body’s own collagen production, helping to restore facial volume and improve skin texture over time.

Here are some key points about Sculptra:

  1. Purpose:
    • Sculptra is primarily used for addressing volume loss in the face, particularly in areas where collagen has diminished due to aging.
  2. Treatment Areas:
    • Cheeks and Temples: Sculptra is commonly used to add volume to the cheeks and temples.
    • Nasolabial Folds: It can also be used to soften the appearance of nasolabial folds (smile lines) and marionette lines (lines around the mouth).
  3. Collagen Stimulation:
    • Sculptra works by stimulating the production of collagen, a natural protein that provides structure and volume to the skin.
    • The effects of Sculptra are gradual and may become more apparent over several weeks as collagen production increases.
  4. Number of Sessions:
    • A series of treatment sessions may be recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart, to achieve the desired results.
    • The number of sessions can vary depending on individual needs and the severity of volume loss.
  5. Duration of Results:
    • Results from Sculptra are not immediate; they develop gradually over time.
    • The effects can last up to two years or more in some cases, making it a long-lasting treatment compared to some other fillers.
  6. Procedure and Recovery:
    • The treatment involves injections into the targeted areas using a fine needle.
    • There may be some temporary swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites, but these side effects are generally mild and short-lived.
  7. Professional Administration:
    • Sculptra injections should be administered by trained and experienced healthcare professionals, such as dermatologists or plastic surgeons.

Sculptra is FDA approved, is biodegradable, and non-animal based minimizing or eliminating any possible allergic reactions to the treatments. Sculptra treatments provide long lasting results, up to two years for most patients. However, most patient’s need several treatments to restore the volume and increase skin thickness.  So if sunken cheeks and hollows around your eyes are a concern, schedule a cosmetic consultation in our office can determine if Sculptra could be for you.